Friday, November 30, 2012

Creatine Supplements for Women

Creatine, the most popular supplement for building muscle around, is sort of a fixture in modern gyms. If you're going through a resistance training phase, I strongly recommend adding creatine to your stack to maximize your muscle gains.

But most of the people using it are guys. What's the deal with creatine supplements for women? Women can safely use creatine because it doesn't work by boosting testosterone.

What type of creatine should you use? Well, there are a lot of different formulas out there, but I think creatine monohydrate is the best. It's the simple molecule and one of the most tested forms of creatine, and I think it's better to use this than a formula that combines other supplements with a creatine boost.

Cycles should last between 2 or 3 months, and then you should take a month off using it. There are people who use it all the time with no off cycle, but I feel that you should always give your body time off to let it work on its own.

The amount you should use depends on your bodybuilding workouts and your body weight, but two or three grams is usually plenty to give your muscles a boost.

Muscle Building Nutrition


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