Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What's the Number 1 Workout Tip I Give Beginners?

Form, Form, Form.

The motto of everyone’s first workout trainer. Mine was my roommate, but his motto for me was more like “FORM!” “FORM!” “FORM!” with some not-so-PG-rated adjectives of my beginner self thrown in there. Although those special, albeit unnecessary, personal descriptions didn’t stick, his three-word motto did.

The first goal is to get to the gym. The second is to get the form down on your core set of excises in the gym. There are hundreds of workout combinations and description with great videos online. Research a few and find which will work best for you and your end result desires.

And don’t be embarrassed around everyone else. They all started as the smallest person in the gym and it's important not to think too much about how you look to others around you. They started no differently than you are. Besides, they are too busy in their own celebrity workouts to even notice you.

And if you are still worried about how to impress those around, the best way is to earn their respect by having correct form using the correct weight. No one looks dumber than the skinny kid doing dumbbell curls in the corner with more weight than his bench-press max. Since that will not be you, keep an eye on him, he may need a spot…

Form. Form. Form.


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